Goal Driven ResultsTM Survey

Your vision of employee engagement becomes reality when you know what success looks like and you can define it.  

The Goal Driven ResultsTM survey is designed around areas that have proven to impact employee engagement across organizations. This survey will help you identify strengths and opportunities in your organization in the following five areas: 




Culture. Employees who work in organizations that have and follow common values know what is important and how to behave in a way that really drives the business. Leaders create this culture by defining and reinforcing a set of core values. 

Teamwork.  Great teams consist of individuals who make it a goal to find a common purpose.  They are able to respect different opinions while seeking how to find a common goal. Some teams need help identifying how to listen and understand others, place emotions in their proper place, and find common purpose.


Supervision.  Supervisors build engagement by helping their teams know what is important, teach team members how to work together, remove obstacles to success, and help direct reports become empowered to do their best in their jobs.


Personal.  Engaged individuals make a choice every day to be committed to doing their best work.  Organizations enable individuals by helping them understand how important their work is to the overall success of the organization, teaching necessary skills to be successful, and removing obstacles.   


HR Systems: Your GDR ToolKit.  HR systems are any system that results in an employee decision including employee selection, orientation, training, uniforms, performance evaluations, pay and benefits. Effective HR systems are designed to support the organization's mission, vision, and values. They serve as a "map" for people to follow.